Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lost in Louisana

There are many things I like and enjoy about tha state of La.
I don't however live there nor have I ever lived there.

Fema; & I filed with them September 28th 2005 refuses to let me live else where.
We have talked to 5 different representatives, have their Names and #ID's!
This date, called and ask about our claim, What claim?
Did you get the Fax requested by another rep? No!
'Will you check on it please'
Yes she says, did find it but you're not qualified. Why?
Yeap! I'm still lost in La.

This last rep sounded like she was really tired of all tha calls they are getting I'm sure;
This lady was totally negative.
Thankfuly she is the only one I can say that about!

Fema, Hello! I live in Texas! In a Certified Disaster County
I'll check back about Monday. Yes, I'll be calling from East Texas